Here you will find sermons and talks from our Sunday services over the years (The newest ones are at the bottom!).
Love like Jesus
Based on Romans 12 and Matthew 16 - the sermon draws gives a challenging definition of love.
God Hunt - Burning Bush
Exodus 3:1-22 The sermon looks at God's call on our lives and what it means to know He is walking with you.
God Hunt - Manna from Heaven
Exodus 16:2-15 Exploring the three different stores that dominate the lives of God's people, slavery, power and hope.
God Hunt - Water from the rock
Exodus 17:1-7 Looking at putting God on trial for human suffering,
God Hunt - God's Glory
Exodus 33:12-23 Seeing God's glory as He calls us to act.
God Hunt - Moses death
Exodus Deut 34.1-12 Looking to the promised land
All saints Day - Catherine reflects on love and fear of God.
Remembrance 2017
Touch India - An upload from the Talk Adam gave a Welton Baptist Church about a mission trip to India
Advent 1 - Looking back, remenbering God and takeing new directions
Advent 2 - Hope for the future
Christmas - Jesus presentation at the temple
Epiphany 1 - Jesus Baptism
Epiphany 2 - Church practice, wax on, wax off.
Epiphany 3 - Communion as discipleship
Transfiguration - Adam explores aspects of this passage with particular focus on Jesus power and choice of non-violence
Andrew explores God's covenant with Noah and the ways in which God values diversity
Catherine relates to Abraham's experience as a stranger in a foreign land
Adam describes the nature of God through the medium of the A-Team
Mothers Day - Looking at Enter the Dragon, fuzzy words and God's mothering acts
Perspectives on the cross - Catherine looks at various ways that Jesus sacrifice can be understood and its meaning for us.
Palm Sunday - Catherine talks about our expectations of Jesus and the mood as he entered Jerusalem on the way to the cross.
Maundy Thursday - Adam talks about pyhsicality, incarnation and knowing God through action.
Catherine describes the impact and symbolism of the resurection on Easter Sunday
Seeing Jesus - Adam talks about Jesus making God visable, and how we might be called to do the same.
Jesus Remembered - Catherine describes the encounter on the road to Emaus and the act of remembering Jesus
The start of your Christian Journey - Adam talks about the coming of the Holy Spirit to the gentiles and the beginning of the adoption of all people into the children of God.
Trinity Sunday - Catherine speaks about Nicodemus meeting with Jesus and what it can mean to try and seek Jesus
Sabath Time - Catherine explores the culture of Sabath rest and the nature of time.
Andrew unpacks the parable of the weeds and the wheat
Parables - Adam explores Jesus use of parables and looks particularly at the parable of the mustard seed.
Seeing God's kingdom - Adam looks at how we see the world when we meet with God
Us and God - Ephesians 1:3-14 - Adam reads the Bible and explains what it says... which is useful.
Trust in God - Catherine looks at Jesus teaching on 'the bread of life' to help understand our relationship with God.
Ephesians 6 - Being filled by God
James 1 - Practical Christianity. Catherine gives some practical steps you can take to be a little more like Jesus
James 2 - Catherine talks about equality before God and active Christianity
James 3 - Catherine discusses the power of words and their effects
James 3 - Adam talks about two different ways of thinking about the world and some good news for those who can’t take good advice
Hebrews 1 - Catherine explores the opening verses of Hebrews and looks at the image of God and how we are to follow Him.
Micah 4:1-5 - Harvest 2018 - Adam talks about harvest, entropy, the world without God and the hope in Jesus - High level physics and solid gospel
Hebrews 5 - Catherine reflects on God’s ongoing plans for our lives, even through our trials.
Hebrew 8 - Adam explains how one person can stand in the place of another, through the movie Twins, and maybe a bit to many Old Testament figures
Hebrews 9 - Adam talks about grace and action, of being loved by God and serving God, and how the love always comes first.
Mark 13 - Catherine reflects on stories of the simple things of faith and not being lead astray.
1 Thessalonians 3.9-end and Luke 21. 52-36 - Adam speaks about what it is to ‘be’ a Christian, no religion, just Jesus.
Luke 3.1-6 - Prepare to Believe - Andrew discusses how we believe in God with the aid of a bag, a candle, and quite a lot of chocolate.
Luke 3.7-18 - Magnify the good news - Catherine tells the good news and our place in God’s story.
Hope for Christmas - Adam talks about different kinds of hope and how the truth of the Christmas story changes the nature of hope.
Matt 2 1-12 - Follow God - Adam discusses how different cultures have looked at the stars, and what the wise men might have found as they came to see Jesus.
Luke 3 15-22 - Jesus Baptism - Catherine describes Jesus baptism and its meaning for us, including sharing the story of her own baptism.
Luke 4: 17-21 - Catherine looks at the world today in the light of Jesus reading from Isaiah
Luke 5: 1-11 - Catherine deals with modern fears that can be addressed by understanding God’s provision
Gods’s Glory - Hazel provides a meditation experience reflecting on Moses communion with God
Ash Wednesday 2019 - Luke 4: 1-13 - Turning towards God. - Adam speaks about the focus of Lent.
Lent 2019 - A reflection on Jesus time in the wilderness using images from Si Smith that can be viewed here
Luke 13:1-9 - Repent or Perish! - Adam looks at the parable of the Fig tree in the context of our Lent journey
Mark 14:1-9 - Being excessive - Adam makes a theological point about going over the top in your symbolic communication.
Jesus enters the Jerusalem - Hazel explores what Mark was saying in his account of Jesus entering Jerusalem
Easter service - Catherine talks about Easter, eggs, birth and re-birth
Romans 8:18-27 - Andrew looks at God’s creation through Paul’s letter to the Romans
Acts 16:16-34 Paul in prison - Catherine tells the story of this passage from Acts, looking and slavery, and at trusting in God to lead you.
Chris Porter, Youth worker and dance teacher for Bath Youth for Christ, shares his journey of faith so far.
Dave Kingswood of Home for Good - shares testimony, encouragement and challenge about churches supporting fostering and adoption
Luke 10:1-22 - Catherine talks about sending out, Phil Nevill style, and what mission God may showing you in your life.
Romans 1 - Adam gives context and background to Paul’s letter to the curch in Rome, with focus on Paul’s revelation and our own journey with God.
Romans 2 - (5:12-8:39) Adam talks about living in a world of sin, having a saviour, being a child of God, and the purpose of Church.
Romans 9 - 11 - Adam describes Israel’s role in salvation and draws out a caution for todays church not to repeat the role of the older brother.
Matthew 3 - Adam expalins the Bible, Christmas and being a Christian in terms of adoption and incarnation.
Matthew 11 - Seeing Jesus - Adam builds on the Chrismas theme to talk about incarnation, freedom and action as a Christian
Matthew 1 - Baby Jesus - Adam talks about God’s great plan focused down into Mary and Jesus, and then out into our lives
Matthew 2 - Living the story - Adam describes the patterns we see in the Bible and how these can play out in our lives, with reference to Toblerne and suffering.
Ephesians 3 - The mystery of grace - Adam unpacks part Paul’s of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, focusing on the free gift of grace.
Matthew 3 - Jesus Baptism - Adam talks about the Trintiy, living as a Christian and a brief account of the meaning of life.
John 1 - Discipleship 101: Modern life is rubbish - Adam talks about philosophy, social media, identity crisis and another way of life.
Matther 4 - Discipleship by 1% - Adam continues form last week to talk about discipleship and how to get stronger in what yoh do as a Christian
Isaiah 58: 1-9 - Adam talks about Lent, fasting and what God might actually want, if it’s not sack cloth and ashes (or giving up chocolate)
Careing for creation - Catherine talks about her time away and how we may think about reducing our impact on the world.