Come, join us

St Barnabas, Bath

Come and discover; The Living God, Jesus Christ who is the ‘same yesterday, today and forever’, and the power & comfort of the Holy Spirit.

We are a small but growing local church seeking to share God’s love and compassion in Southdown, Whiteway and Kingsway. Joining with Jesus in praying that it may be ‘On earth as it is in heaven’.

We would LOVE to meet you!

Sharing God’s love and encouraging faith

Diary of Worship


Sunday 30th 10:00am Mothering Sunday


Sunday 6th 10:00am Holy Communion
Sunday 13th 3pm Cafe Church
Sunday 20th 10:00am Easter Service
Sunday 27th 10:00am Morning Prayer

Barney’s Cafe

Wednesdays 8:45am - 12pm

(School holidays 10am-12pm)

Come, chat, kids play, warm space

All generations welcome

Come find us.

St Barnabas Church

Mount View, Southdown,

Bath, BA2 1JX, United Kingdom, 

Find out what we’re up to on Facebook!